
Introduction to the performance of silicon steel sheets

publish:2024-03-16 10:30:51   views :189
publish:2024-03-16 10:30:51  

Silicon steel sheets are essentially ultra-low carbon steel plates with a mass fraction of silicon ranging from 0.5% to 5%. Silicon steel sheets can be divided into motor silicon steel sheets (silicon mass fraction is usually below 2.5%, thickness is generally 0.5ram) and transformer silicon steel sheets (silicon mass fraction is usually between 2.5% and 4.5%, thickness is generally O.35mm) according to their uses; According to production methods, it can be divided into hot-rolled silicon steel sheets and cold-rolled silicon steel sheets, while cold-rolled silicon steel sheets can be further divided into oriented silicon steel sheets (used for manufacturing transformers) and non oriented silicon steel sheets (used for manufacturing motors) according to the degree of grain orientation; According to working conditions, it can be further divided into silicon steel sheets used in strong magnetic fields (mostly used in the power industry, which is the most common and widely used) and silicon steel sheets used in weak magnetic fields (mostly used in the telecommunications industry), as well as silicon steel sheets used at power frequencies and high frequencies. Silicon steel sheets used at high frequencies, in order to reduce eddy current losses at high frequencies, typically use a thickness of 0.1 to 0.2ram, while those used for pulse transformers can be as thin as 0.05mm or less.

The magnetic directionality of iron single crystals and the (110) L001J~easy magnetization axis [100] are parallel to the rolling direction, while the (110) plane is parallel to the rolling plane. If the silicon steel sheet has the highest magnetic induction along the rolling direction, the structure with a grain orientation of (110) [001] is called Gaussian texture. This directional silicon steel is called grain oriented silicon steel or oriented silicon steel. Oriented silicon steel is used in transformers, and the higher the degree of orientation, the better. This is because the higher the degree of orientation, the smaller the magnetostriction (the so-called magnetostriction is the phenomenon of elongation or contraction of ferromagnetic materials during magnetization, which is the main cause of transformer noise), the better the magnetism of silicon steel sheets, and the lower the iron loss. Non oriented silicon steel is used in motor manufacturing.

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